The Snare “The Fear of Man" Part One

The fear of man brings a snare, but he who trusts in the Lord will be exalted” ~~ Proverbs 29:25

Think about the word SNARE. No, not a snare drum!  Instead, it’s a word that connotes an evil trap. Please read again the Bible verse above, where it says, "The fear of man brings about a snare."

The Hebrew Dictionary defines a snare as:

 “A snare is something that lures a man away from his real purpose and then destroys him.”

Have You Ever Been Snared? ...

Have you ever been pulled away, distracted slowly from your purpose or calling in life?   

Have you ever followed after what people say, or our culture says instead of God's thoughts and His ways?  What do you value most? What is most important to you? What captivates and motivates you?  Do you run to others, or the media, to seek direction? Maybe your snare is pornography, alcohol, gossip, or maybe it is something more deceptive like making a god out of your work or your kids, even taking pride in doing good things such as volunteering or giving for the wrong reasons, and the list goes on and on.

Our Story ...

In October 2012, our family made a decision. We thought we had heard from the Lord. We even thought we had confirmation; so we ran with it (or at least I did). My husband Chris, on the other hand, followed slowly behind – he was cautiously in agreement.  For a few solid years I was determined, focused, and head-strong that we were going to adopt a little girl. Her name would be Anna.

This pursuit of what I thought was noble, good, and honorable left our family exhausted and confused. In fact, before I even knew it I was caught up in a snare that took me further and further from my purpose. I became totally distracted by this idol that had taken the place of my King. This snare actually entangled us…not only emotionally but financially.  We were even defrauded by an adoption agency promising us a healthy baby girl, when in reality there was no baby intended for our family.

Praying for this “little girl” dominated my thoughts; and truthfully, I became obsessed with expecting God to move heaven and earth on my behalf. If I am truly honest with myself, I can now freely admit that I became self-absorbed, self-consumed, selfish, and prideful. These disappointments caused me to doubt and question God. Has this ever happen to you? Have you started out pursuing something “good”, but then became disillusioned by the process? Have you become afraid of what others would think more than what God thinks?

The snare can so easily entrap us! It often happens slowly, starting with our thoughts and desires, and then we act out what first started as simply a thought. When we begin to head down this path, it can be deceptive, seductive, and we may “feel” like it is OK.  I challenge you, though, to ask yourself, “What do I worship --- deep inside?”

Have you ever worshiped an idol --- something other than God? Have you ever chased after anyone or anything that took you away from His presence? We need to ask ourselves intentionally these challenging questions that cause an awakening within in us to the truth.

God's Call and Deliverance ...

But God intervened in a way I never expected…I was involved in a scary but injury free car accident. In other words, He got my attention; and time and my plans stopped. Later, I headed to church, and my pastor said, “Someone here has a calling from the Lord, but they are running from it.” 

Immediately tears flooded my face, and I became undone. Chris looked at me and spoke tenderly: “Honey you are holding on so tightly that you can't even see the road in front of you. Let go.”

At once my heart became fertile, and I received that word from my pastor and Chris. It was actually a word from the Holy Spirit directed right toward my heart. I was instantly convicted and saw this snare for what it was.  I repented for that which for a few years had completely blinded me to God's will for our family. 

Over This Next Week Think on These Two Things ...

One: Where Am I Headed?

Are you naturally headed towards God or are you naturally headed towards your own desires apart from God? What may have snared you? Whom do you fear? MAN? Or GOD?

Two: A Call to Repent

We must be willing to repent of that which blinds us to our real calling and purpose, which is solely to honor and glorify God with ALL our hearts! Yes, I repented of what had kept me from my Great King.  Will you do the same? Over this next week, consider the scriptures below, seek His holiness, and allow your heart to be open to receive HIS truth, mercy, and grace.

Pray with Me …

I give thanks and praise You, Father, for Your promises of deliverance. Thank You for already having heard my inner prayer to be set free. Lord, search my heart and test my mind over this next week. Lord, I want to enter into Your throne room and TOTALLY SURRENDER to YOU!   As I seek You, show me any idols in my life that are keeping me from hearing YOU! Today I choose to pull them down. Lord, I now choose to head in Your direction not mine! Lord, let me not fear man which leads us to destruction … but from now on I FEAR YOU, which leads to restoration, freedom, and eternal life!


Scriptures to Meditate Upon Over This Week …

“For it is HE who delivers you from the snare of the trapper and from the deadly pestilence” ~~ Psalms 91:3

“My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare” ~~ Psalms 25:15 (NIV)

“Turn away from your sins, because the Kingdom of heaven is near!” ~~ Matthew 4:17

“But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction” ~~ 1 Timothy 6:9.

“He will keep me from the jaws of the trap which they have set for me, and from the snares of those who do iniquity” ~~ Psalms 141:9.

-Elizabeth Bowman