“Break Up the Fallow Ground!”

“Sow for yourselves righteousness.  Reap steadfast love.  Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord that He may come and rain righteousness upon you.” ~~ Hosea 10:12

Fallow is a word that we do not hear in conversation very often, if at all.  It describes land that has been plowed but not yet tilled, cared for, or sown.  In essence, the process of farming has been started but not yet finished. 

Have you ever asked the question, then waited for the answer and responded to the Lord so that you might reap steadfast love? How does a person circumcise one’s heart? 

Paul tells us in Colossians 2, “And though you were dead in your trespasses and in the uncircumsion of your flesh, He made you alive with Him and forgave you for all your trespasses.” 

Break Up the Fallow Ground ...

What is the fallow ground in your life? Is it complacency? Have you become lukewarm to the truths of the Lord and His Word? Are you afraid to step out into your calling or gifting? Maybe what has been hidden for so long (even for generations) needs to come to the surface. Are you willing to pray, “Please Lord, reveal what has been hidden, and shine Your light into the dark spots of my heart!” 

These are hard questions and concepts to wrestle with; but when He begins to break up your fallow ground, are you willing to accept His work in your heart and life? 

Follow Jesus No Matter What! ...

Let go of what have been strongholds in your life, and embrace a new life filled with love and joy! Hosea was willing - no matter the pain or suffering he had to experience in his marriage. You see, God asked Hosea to marry a prostitute, to love her and start a family with her. See, God saw the bigger picture in Hosea’s life, redemption, relentless, unfailing, unconditional love that He had for Hosea and his family. Was the story messy? Yes. Can you RELATE? Have you ever wondered if Hosea was saying, “Lord, I did NOT sign up for this. This is really hard.”  But if I am honest,  I have said that more times than I can write.

Hosea Was Willing and Obedient to the Lord ...

Hosea is a “spiritual type” of Jesus and His unconditional love as seen in the Old Testament years before the birth of Christ.

Are you willing to stand in the gap and break strongholds in your family that may have been a curse over many generations - and do this no matter the cost or how long it takes? Realize what you are passing on to your children and children’s children hopefully is a legacy that thirsts and hungers after truth and righteousness. If the Lord instructs you, would you be willing to love as Hosea loved? No matter what, and in so doing love ALL even as Jesus as loved you?

Paul tells us that “we must put off the flesh.” For “He erased the certificate of the debt with its obligations that was against us and opposed us, and has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the cross….”  Hallelujah!!! 

Consider Jesus’ Love ... 

The amazing love Jesus has for us is exemplified as He went to the cross and bore our sins and iniquities taking them all away. We are the beneficiaries of such a great and marvelous gift of salvation through God’s grace and by our faith. Praise God!

Are You Ready to Break Up the Fallow Ground? ...

Are you ready to seek the Lord in 2020 as never before so that He may come and rain righteousness upon you and your family? Your field may look as if it is barren right now, but Jesus waits for you to come to Him and break up the fallow ground. So seek the Lord so that He may restore what has been broken, heal what has been wounded, and set you and your family free from iniquities that have held you captive.  2020 should be a year of declaring His truth over your life and that of your family's. 

Do not let this moment pass you by. Begin this new year by seeking the Lord starting right now! Ask Him - then allow Him to heal your broken hearts. Declare His truth, and speak with the authority that He has given you, for there is power in His Word and in His Name! 

~ Elizabeth Bowman